Bi-Polar Plasma

Nature shows us how it works: Bi-Polar Ionisation

In nature Ions are found in abundance. The highest concentration of bipolar ions are found around moving waters (ocean, waterfalls, thunderstorm etc.). That’s why the human body feels so energized and refreshed in these environments. In a confined room, though, the level of bipolar ions is the lowest, but usually concentration of harmful pollutants (VOCs, Germs, Viruses, Bacteria, etc.) are at their highest. 

How does it work?

The bipolar ion generator in the ETS Air Disinfection System is located in the air outlet duct in which it creates bipolar ions through a high voltage plasma, generated between 2 electrodes, thus simulating the discharge of energy like in a thunderstorm. The charged ions or in other words activated negative Oxygen (O2- and positive Hydrogen (H+) molecules, carried by the air stream travel throughout the air space and attach themselves to airborne pollutants such as dust, mould, pollen and smoke, causing them to gain size and mass, enough that they drop to the floor, or return to the filter,  making them easily cleaned from the air we breathe. Moreover, bipolar ions initiate an oxidation process, which chemically alters the odour molecules (VOCs) and germs. New harmless substances are formed. Activated oxygen damages the cell structure of mould spores as well as bacteria and viruses, so that they become inactive.